Sunday, December 11, 2005

Cover Redesgin and DCTV Workshop

The new cover was designed by Ed and looks better and costs less than the old one.

10 copies were dropped into Red Ink and another 10 are available in Anthology Books. Both shops are in Temple Bar. It would be good to get the Dvd into shops outside Dublin too, so if you know a place that may be interested in stocking them send us an email. They are sold for 6 euro with 1 euro going to the stockist.

A very interesting workshop took place last week. DCTV ran the workshop 3 times in the north, south and Central. It covered, how to get funding for community tv programmes from the BCI and how to get involved with DCTV.

It was very promising that they were aware and enthusiastic about creative commons and Copyleft etc. 5% of the licence fee has been allocated to community television and so there is a fund of 25 million set aside to make noncommercial programming.

You can join DCTV for 15 euro if you are unwaged, 25 euro if you are waged or 75 euro for an organisation. Revolt Video Collective will join as an organisation (hopefully the sale of the DVDs will cover the cost). Rotating delegates from the collective will attend the meetings. Hopefully this will be an excellent outlet for social documentory and activist video.

There are also other benifits gained from joining DCTV such as training and access to equipment and studios. Everyone involved in the collective will have these benifits since we are joining as an organisation.
Escort Ireland
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